Hello, this is Kamalashila. My main website is here on Kamalashila.co.uk – feel free to browse. There is some written meditation instruction for beginners here and something about me here. I have some meditation material on Vimeo – many other showcases as well – which you may possibly find suitable.

As you’ll see from my bio here I have a long history of teaching meditation and wrote http://Buddhist Meditation: Tranquility, Imagination and Insight

Most of my teaching these days is online – I am now disabled with MS and can’t get out so easily. I can still do some weekends though, at the West London Buddhist Centre which is fairly local to me.

If you have at least three years’ experience of Buddhist meditation, you may be interested in joining my Weekly Meditation Classes:

Every Tuesday morning at 10am (Anapanasati)
Every Thursday afternoon at 5pm (Brahmaviharas).

No commitment is required, and there is no charge, but if it’s working for you, donations are appreciated – I rely on them to live. Just whatever you can afford is fine (Dana link on http://Paypal.me/Kamalashila)

The two weekly classes explore Anapanasati (mindfulness of breathing) and the four Brahmaviharas (aspects of love: goodwill, compassion, appreciation and equanimity or non-reactivity). They are both basic Buddhist practices, taught by the Buddha.

We are about to break after a year – the new series begins 16th May 2024. To register for the new series (includes both Tuesdays and Fridays) go to https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZEtc-GvpzIiHNNmXa–dvqZNxIw8mfJ6M40. Your registration will be accepted a day or two before the series starts.

If you don’t have three years experience of Buddhist meditation I plan to start a series for practitioners who are new to this approach. This is likely also to start mid May. Watch this space.

I’m sorry I’m not doing live instruction for newcomers any more, but you can get this at any Triratna centre worldwide, Moscow via Tokyo to San Francisco, though if you’re in London, the best is the West London Buddhist Centre in Porchester Road, Bayswater, London. There are bigger ones, but this one is the most beautiful and the teachers tell it how it is (check out Paramananda and Bodhilila). Otherwise there are thousands of other flavours of Buddhist teaching worldwide. And not only Buddhism, though that’s what I like. They mostly all taste good, so try one and then move on to another until you find what suits you.

Best of luck!
