Six Talks on Buddhist Meditation
A 50 page document covering: The Foundation of practice, its Unification in experience, where our minds Gravitate, how there may come Illumination, and then Transformation, and finally embodiment or Exemplification.
My Dharma life: Words and Images
A biographical piece outlining some of the insight directions my practice has taken, and my experience of working within the institutes of Triratna since 1970. Illustrated with contemporary photos.
Autobiography: Now or Never
Commentary on my early and teenage years, with some pictures
On Discipleship
short autobiographical reflections written after Sangharakshita’s death
Commentary on the Mahakarunika Sadhana
A full commentary for Order members (and others suitably experienced) on how to approach the Mahakarunika and Mahamudra Conjoint Sadhana.
Commentary on the Manjughosa Sadhana
Commentary on the Vajrasattva Sadhana
Sacred Space of Vajrasattva: Buddha and Nature inseparable
A short article on what is truly precious in our existence, how this identifies with what Vajrasattva represents, and unites our inherent Buddha nature with the universal Nature that is everything.
Some articles about Nature and the Elements (Mahabhuta) in relation to the Dharma
Buddhism, Nature and the Elements
Simplicity (About the Six Elements)
The Buddhist View of Nature: Eco-Dharma
Buddhism and Deep Ecology
Death’s Door