waking, sleeping, dreaming, dying, then what?

By Kamalashila

This period has for me been one of feeling off the hook, since Yashobodhi has been writing a new blog journal that is not only excellent in literary quality but which often refers to me, and I assume you are all reading her here. For me, there honestly hasn’t been much to say. Which is…


By Kamalashila

so… what happens when an assumption is seen to be empty is that a new, simpler perception takes its place, which itself is likely to contain presumptions I’ve not noticed. What has get clearer, talking yesterday to Beth on the local team about end-of-life scenarios, there is no pendant axe that will fall and suddenly…

The Bubble

By Kamalashila

Today, a feeling of being enclosed within some kind of envelope left me. I have spoken once or twice about being in a period of ‘respite’ – a blessed time before the axe falls and I’m taken to my destiny. Whatever was I talking about? It is true that I initially felt liberated by my…

Where is this going?

By Kamalashila

I’ve been a mess this week, my face puffed up from steroids and a new, lopsided tooth gap. The mess was even more in my mind. I’ve been greedy, agitated, driven and ungrounded. It’s been unpleasant to be me, and I’ve been unpleasant to be around. Yet the steroids have saved me from the cycle…