The Bubble

By Kamalashila

Today, a feeling of being enclosed within some kind of envelope left me. I have spoken once or twice about being in a period of ‘respite’ – a blessed time before the axe falls and I’m taken to my destiny. Whatever was I talking about? It is true that I initially felt liberated by my…

Where is this going?

By Kamalashila

I’ve been a mess this week, my face puffed up from steroids and a new, lopsided tooth gap. The mess was even more in my mind. I’ve been greedy, agitated, driven and ungrounded. It’s been unpleasant to be me, and I’ve been unpleasant to be around. Yet the steroids have saved me from the cycle…

Living Daylights

By Kamalashila

It is evening, London has been cold and sunny. Remission continues and it’s a happy time. I was listening to Neil Young ‘Like a Hurricane’ as I started this, now replaced on the ‘phones by the spooky minor key of JS Bach’s St. Matthew Passion. I’m on Replay – all my 2022 tunes. At lunchtime…

Some respite

By Kamalashila

Sorry I’ve not been here much. I have too many writing priorities. The main thing is that I now have a ‘Kamalashila Legacy Group’ who will curate my teaching materials after my death, and as part of the process of growing that I have been digging up stuff (sorry) that could be published with some…


By Kamalashila

People have been coming to visit, sometimes spontaneously but usually arranged in my calendar. I have been in a mood to talk, and conversation has often been inspiring because of the circumstances. A couple of people – Candradasa of FreeBuddhistAudio, and Padmamati of ‘The Bureau of Lost Culture’, who will be MC at my funeral,…